Амальфитанское побережье

I Due Golfi

Sant' Agata - Побережье Сорренто

  • Sant--Agata Побережье-Сорренто Амальфитанское-побережье I Due Golfi gallery 001
  • Sant--Agata Побережье-Сорренто Амальфитанское-побережье I Due Golfi gallery 002
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  • Sant--Agata Побережье-Сорренто Амальфитанское-побережье I Due Golfi gallery 021
  • Sant--Agata Побережье-Сорренто Амальфитанское-побережье I Due Golfi gallery 022
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  • Sant--Agata Побережье-Сорренто Амальфитанское-побережье I Due Golfi gallery 025
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  • Sant--Agata Побережье-Сорренто Амальфитанское-побережье I Due Golfi gallery 027
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  • Sant--Agata Побережье-Сорренто Амальфитанское-побережье I Due Golfi gallery 031
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Sant--Agata Побережье-Сорренто Амальфитанское-побережье I Due Golfi gallery 001

Амальфитанское побережье

I Due Golfi

Sant' Agata - Побережье Сорренто

Via Pontone,10 S. Agata / Sorrento, S.Agata sui 2 Golfi Costiera Sorrentina Italy
Число человек: 8/20
3/6 Спальни
4/7 ванные комнаты

Месторасположение: Вид на море, Панорамный вид, В городе,
Расстояние до моря: 8 km
Стиль виллы: Виллы категории люкс

Цена (мин/макс): $ 8,045 / $ 13,875 ночей

  • ndash - br br ndash br br mdash CD- PC - br br - - - br br br strong strong br br - - - br br - - ... Читать далее >>

    Villa + Suites - Число человек: 20 - Спальни: 6 (6 спальни с двумя односпальными кроватями) - ванные комнаты: 7 - Размер: 300 mq

    просторная гостиная с камином и выходом на панорамную террасу; барный уголок с выходом в сад;
    кухня с печью на дровах, электрической духовкой и выходом на две террасы расположенные на двух сторонах дома;
    столовая на 20 персон;
    1 ванная комната с душем.

    1 спальня с двуспальной кроватью с ванной комнатой с душем;
    1 спальня с двуспальной кроватью и 2 односпальными кроватями с ванной комнатой с душем и выходом на отдельную террасу;
    1 спальня с двуспальной кроватью с ванной комнатой с душем и выходом на отдельную террасу.

    (Пристройка 1)
    гостиная со спальной зоной с двуспальной кроватью и 2 односпальными кроватями; ванная комната с душем.

    (Пристройка 2)
    гостиная со спальной зоной с двуспальной кроватью и 2 односпальными кроватями; ванная комната с душем. Кондиционеры в спальнях; стерео CD, спутниковое TV, компьютер с интернетом.

    (Пристройка 3)
    Спальня с двуспальной кроватью; жилая зона с двумя односпальными кроватями; ванная комната с душем.

  • Название виллы происходит от места, в котором она находится: Сант Агата суи Дуэ Гольфи – посёлок, занимающий очень выгодную позицию на одном из холмов полуострова Сорренто, господствующего, с одной стороны, над Неаполитанским заливом, а с другой - над заливом в Салерно.

    Этот недавно построенный дом полностью изолирован и расположен на садовом участке площадью 8000 кв. м. Это необычное и впечатляющее место владельцы постарались сохранить в его первозданном виде: по всему участку разбросаны белые камни весьма причудливой формы, иногда образующие нечто вроде природных скульптур, а между ними – лужайки, словно подчеркивающие необычность ландшафта. В полном распоряжении гостей плавательный бассейн (17 х 8 м), оборудованный в центре естественной террасы, откуда открывается великолеаный панорамный вид на побережье и идиллический сельский пейзаж.

    Эта недавно отреставрированная вилла состоит из центральной части и трёх независимых сьютов, каждый — с выходом на террасу первого этажа. В доме есть всё необходимое для комфортной жизни: кондиционеры и сейфы в спальнях, спутниковое телевидение, стереосистема с CD-плейером, PC с беспроводным интернет-подключением, микроволновая печь, угловой бар с холодильником и небольшим винным погребом. Интерьер отличается подобранной со вкусом современной мебелью.

    Ближайший пляж в 8 км в деревне Нерано, Сорренто - в 10 км, Позитано - в 20 км, Помпеи - в 35 км.


    - пляж в Марина дель Кантоне в 8 км: здесь вы можете получить доступ к оборудованным пляжам и услугам по прокату лодок. Марина-дель-Кантоне также является идеальным местом для того, чтобы остановиться и попробовать всемирно известную местную кухню с разнообразными ресторанами, начиная от типичных тратторий вдоль пляжа и заканчивая ресторанами, отмеченными звездами.

    - Сант'Агата-суи-дю-Гольфи находится в 1 км от виллы, и здесь вы найдете все виды услуг: от продуктовых магазинов до многочисленных тратторий и звездных ресторанов, а также все общественные службы. В Сант-Агате также находится автобусная остановка (SITA), откуда можно добраться до Амальфитанского побережья и Сорренто.

    - Сорренто находится примерно в 10 км: это самый важный город на побережье Сорренто и пункт прибытия подземного поезда (Circumvesuviana) из Неаполя, Помпеи и Кастелламмаре. Из порта Сорренто отправляются суда на подводных крыльях до Капри, Искьи и Неаполя.

    - Позитано находится примерно в 20 км от виллы. Нет нужды говорить, что Позитано и все города Амальфитанского побережья (Прайано, Амальфи, Равелло и т.д.) стоит посетить во время вашего пребывания на Соррентийском побережье.

    Побережье Сорренто также является идеальной отправной точкой для посещения знаменитых археологических памятников Помпеи (35 км), Геркуланума (60 км) и Паэстума (100 км).

    CIR: 15063044EXT0096
    CIN: IT063044B4X4TJIJY7


    • частный бассейн 8 x 17 m
      НАЛИЧИЕ15/03/2025 - 11/10/2025
    • Кондиционирование воздуха во всех спальнях
    • Кондиционеры в гостиной
    • Барбекю
    • спутниковая антенна
    • Стерео и проигрыватель CD
    • dvd
    • стиральная машина
    • посудомоечная машина
    • TV
    • духовка
    • интернет Wi-Fi
    • Tерраса ЧАСТНЫЙ
    • сад ЧАСТНЫЙ
    • частная стоянка на 8 машин
    • автобусная остановка : SITA 0.4 km
    • продуктовый магазин: S.Agata 0.4 km
    • ближайший пляж: крупная галька 8 km
    Кроватка для детей до 2 лет
    1 комплект постельного белья и банные принадлежности в неделю включены в стоимость.
    1 комплект полотенец для бассейна в неделю. - Смена постельного белья и полотенец 2 раза в неделю.
  • ПРАЙС-ЛИСТ - 2025
    20 Число человек - Villa + Suites
    Смотреть цены
    4 янв. 2025 г. - 19 апр. 2025 г.
    Минимальный срок пребывания / ночей
    $ 10,310
    19 апр. 2025 г. - 7 июня 2025 г.
    Минимальный срок пребывания / ночей
    $ 12,840
    7 июня 2025 г. - 16 авг. 2025 г.
    Минимальный срок пребывания / ночей
    $ 13,875
    16 авг. 2025 г. - 13 сент. 2025 г.
    Минимальный срок пребывания / ночей
    $ 12,840
    13 сент. 2025 г. - 3 янв. 2026 г.
    Минимальный срок пребывания / ночей
    $ 10,310
    16 Число человек - Villa + 2 Suites
    Смотреть цены
    4 янв. 2025 г. - 19 апр. 2025 г.
    Минимальный срок пребывания / ночей
    $ 9,555
    19 апр. 2025 г. - 7 июня 2025 г.
    Минимальный срок пребывания / ночей
    $ 12,110
    7 июня 2025 г. - 16 авг. 2025 г.
    Минимальный срок пребывания / ночей
    $ 13,175
    16 авг. 2025 г. - 13 сент. 2025 г.
    Минимальный срок пребывания / ночей
    $ 12,110
    13 сент. 2025 г. - 3 янв. 2026 г.
    Минимальный срок пребывания / ночей
    $ 9,555
    12 Число человек - Villa + 1 Suite
    Смотреть цены
    4 янв. 2025 г. - 19 апр. 2025 г.
    Минимальный срок пребывания / ночей
    $ 8,805
    19 апр. 2025 г. - 7 июня 2025 г.
    Минимальный срок пребывания / ночей
    $ 11,385
    7 июня 2025 г. - 16 авг. 2025 г.
    Минимальный срок пребывания / ночей
    $ 12,480
    16 авг. 2025 г. - 13 сент. 2025 г.
    Минимальный срок пребывания / ночей
    $ 11,385
    13 сент. 2025 г. - 3 янв. 2026 г.
    Минимальный срок пребывания / ночей
    $ 8,805
    8 Число человек - Villa Only
    Смотреть цены
    4 янв. 2025 г. - 19 апр. 2025 г.
    Минимальный срок пребывания / ночей
    $ 8,045
    19 апр. 2025 г. - 7 июня 2025 г.
    Минимальный срок пребывания / ночей
    $ 10,660
    7 июня 2025 г. - 16 авг. 2025 г.
    Минимальный срок пребывания / ночей
    $ 11,780
    16 авг. 2025 г. - 13 сент. 2025 г.
    Минимальный срок пребывания / ночей
    $ 10,660
    13 сент. 2025 г. - 3 янв. 2026 г.
    Минимальный срок пребывания / ночей
    $ 8,045

    *Это отдельная частная вилла, но цены и площадь меняются в зависимости от количества человек..

    Кроватка для детей до 2 лет
    1 комплект постельного белья и банные принадлежности в неделю включены в стоимость.
    1 комплект полотенец для бассейна в неделю. - Смена постельного белья и полотенец 2 раза в неделю.
    Дальнейшие расходы оплачиваются на месте
    - Отопление в зависимости от использования
    - - Для услуг по уборке в середине недели и окончательной уборке. (Часы уборки в середине недели: Villa+Studios: 6 часов в день / 5 дней в неделю в общей сложности 30 часов в неделю; Villa+2Studios / Villa+1Studio / Villa Only: 5 часов в день 5 раз в неделю в общей сложности 25 часов в неделю). - Кондиционирование воздуха включает в себя потребление до 200 кВт, резервирование по цене 0,50 евро за кВт. - Дополнительные услуги по запросу (запрашивайте цены и расценки при при бронировании): шеф-повар для приготовления ужинов на вилле, первые продукты, которые будут найдены по прибытии
    Villa + Suites 20 гости: € 600.00 в неделю
    Villa + 2 Suites 16 гости: € 600.00 в неделю
    Villa + 1 Suite 12 гости: € 600.00 в неделю
    Villa Only 8 гости: € 500.00 в неделю

    - Возвращаемый гарантийный залог оплачивается при оформлении бронирования
    Villa + Suites 20 гости 7 ночей: € 800.00

    (Выплачивается в течение 14 дней после выселения)
    Villa + 2 Suites 16 гости 7 ночей: € 800.00

    (Выплачивается в течение 14 дней после выселения)
    Villa + 1 Suite 12 гости 7 ночей: € 800.00

    (Выплачивается в течение 14 дней после выселения)
    Villa Only 8 гости 7 ночей: € 600.00

    (Выплачивается в течение 14 дней после выселения)

    Домашние животные Не разрешено - Время работы бассейна (Частный бассейн) 15 Mar 2025 - 11 Oct 2025

    Капри - 1 ore
    S.Agata sui due Golfi - 2 km
    Marina del Cantone - 10 km
    Sorrento - 10 km
    Позитано - 18 km
    Amalfi - 23 km
    Pompei - 35 km
    Неаполь - 60 km
    Ercolano - 60 km
    Paestum - 100 km


    Ж/Д Вокзал: Napoli - 65 km
    Аэропорт: Napoli - 64 km
    Ж/Д Вокзал: Sorrento - 8 km

    Hi Alessandra,
    We had a wonderful time! The countryside where the villa was located was lovely. The views from the villa were spectacular! The town was quaint with some great restaurants; Bar Orlando and Stuzzichino. The house was roomy and the accommodations were comfortable, although we didn’t spend a lot of time there as we were touring each day. Tiziana, our house manager was amazing! She was lovely and so, so helpful! The meals that were prepared were delicious!
    And thank you for all your assistance along the way. It was our first trip to Italy for all of us and I was a bit nervous as you know, but everything turned out great and we hope to return to your beautiful country again!

    Thanks to you and Tiziana for all your help and support.
    We had a wonderful and amazing time.
    We had a fabulous stay at your place! It was a beautiful view and conveniently located where we wanted to be. House Manager is amazing and was there for us on so many occasions. Her food was wonderful as well.
    Thank you
    I wanted to provide a summary of our thoughts about the villa. We had a wonderful time and enjoyed our stay, principally because the exterior is exceptionally attractive, with patios, terraces, seating nooks, dining areas, views out to the ocean and Capri in the distance and, of course, a beautiful pool accented with columns on a rise at the back. The outdoors resembles a top flight private resort.
    I want to compliment you for the excellent service and with the very helpful Property Manager- she was our smart, friendly, guardian angel throughout, who made our stay at the villa, and time in the area, that much better.
    My thanks for your assistance, and my best wishes to you all
    Everything about our stay at I Due Golfi in June 2023 was wonderful. This was a much anticipated family trip for my husband and me with our two children and four grandchildren. The accommodations at the villa met all our expectations. My son-in-law described our stay as a “home run”! We loved the privacy of this large property and the views were sensational. Every direction that you looked was a photo op. The villa itself was clean and spacious and the grounds, garden, and patios were lovely. There were plenty of beautiful places to relax quietly, but our family’s favorite gathering place was the gorgeous pool.
    Another highlight of our stay was the chef service. The cooks cooked three delicious dinners for us. We loved these evenings!
    We are very grateful to Massimiliano who corresponded with us before we came to Italy and after we returned. He answered our many questions and assisted us in payment, ordering food and arranging for the chef service. While we were at the villa, we relied on House Manager for advice, restaurant reservations, taxi arrangements, etc. She was readily available to take care of minor concerns. She was polite, friendly and always willing to assist us, even ordering us a birthday cake! We are so thankful for all her help. This was the trip of a lifetime for my family.
    We recommend I Due Golfi highly and wish others the same enjoyable experience that we had at this lovely villa.

    We had a wonderful stay at our villa in Santa' Agata! The pictures and descriptions on the Ville in Italia website were 100% accurate. The views from every point in the villa were sublime. The pool was the best - we had so much fun and made so many memories out there. The help Alessandra and Tiziana gave us before the stay was exceptional. They answered a million questions and helped us plan our trip accordingly. The chefs that we hired through the agency were an absolute gem. It was so nice to come home after a day of sightseeing and have a beautiful and delicious dinner ready for us.
    We'll never forget our stay at Santa' Agata. It was the trip of a lifetime and we thank our host,Tiziana and agent, Alessandra for making it all happen! Grazie mille!
    Hope this helps, Alessandra! Thanks again - we are still dreaming of our vacation.
    Take care,
    Just back from Dui Golfi. We had a great time and it brings back many great memories there with our family.
    So nice to see Tiziana. She is a sweetheart and we love her.
    Thank you again for your assistance!!!!

    We had such a wonderful stay at the villa. After a long lockdown, it was a vacation to remember always.

    I would like to express how grateful I am for the help and guidance of House Manager throughout our trip. She was very, very clear about fees and payments, and about exactly what was expected of us in the villa to make sure everything was in good order for the owners. She also was available to us at any moment during our stay, and she made many restaurant reservations for us and gave us superior recommendations for parking and restaurants for our visits to Sorrento, Positano, and even S.Agata. Without her help, we would not have been able to enjoy our visit nearly as much. Her recommendations were perfect every time, and we had a table waiting for us at every restaurant we visited. She is a treasure, and we are so grateful for her assistance and kindness.
    And thank you to you, Massimiliano, for your patience and helpfulness as we navigated the logistics of booking our trip in a pandemic. We look forward to returning to Italy someday soon!
    We have returned home now after a fantastic holiday on the Amalfi coast at the Villa I Due Golfi. As for location the views were breathtaking. Just wanted to thank you very much indeed for all your excellent organisation. Everything went like clockwork. Our transfers were extremely comfortable given our large party and the arrangements for in house catering were first class. It was a really nice touch on our last day when we returned to collect our luggage the villa owner himself came along to give us access and wish us a safe trip home.

    All in all a truly wonderful holiday for all our party. Many thanks indeed for your excellent service.

    With kind regards and best wishes
    Norma and Peter
    “Based on the pictures we saw online, our expectations for this villa were very high. I thought it would be impossible to exceed those expectations, and was worried that we would be disappointed. I was wrong! I Due Golfi was all we hoped for and more. What an extraordinary, gorgeous place. At the end of our trip, we took a family survey to see what everyone’s favorite part of the trip was. Rome? The Vatican? Pompeii? Capri? Unanimously, the answer was I Due Golfi.
    The property itself is enormous, and yet very welcoming and comfortable. Our rooms were all incredibly spacious. We had a party of 15 and there was plenty of room to spare. The beds were very comfortable, the rooms clean, the bathrooms wonderful (including great shower pressure!), the kitchen homey and large, and the grounds just astounding. I’ve never seen more flowers in my life. In particular, we were concerned the pool would not be as large as it looked; we had 6 older children in the party, ages 9-15. The pool was actually larger than expected, crystal clear, and with incredible views of the city of Torca and the ocean below us. We were literally above the clouds.
    The location, in the small town of Sant’Agata, was absolutely ideal. We were a 20 minute bus ride to Sorrento, and 40 minutes to Positano. A 1.5 hour drive to Pompeii and a 30 minute ride to the Bay of Nurano, where we all got on a beautiful boat to go to Capri. Meanwhile, the town itself, Sant’Agata, is very charming, and very much Italy. I would much rather stay there than in one of the touristy locations nearby. We walked into town every day, and the people there were warm even by Italian standards. By the end of the week, the people at the stores and restaurants were in our family pictures, hugging the kids, and the parting was hard. Having this gorgeous estate in such a perfect location as our home base transformed the trip entirely.
    I cannot recommend the staff highly enough, either. Alessandra, with whom we managed the original booking, was very informative and responsive in communication. Services offered were extremely reasonably priced, and we took advantage of those! An invaluable service was having the staff pre-stock the villa with groceries and essentials (detergent, paper towels, and the like). A nominal fee and the cost of the goods (which were far less than they would be in the US) were all extremely reasonable, and of very high quality. Meats, cheeses, fruits, wine, were all of extremely good quality and reasonably priced. We also chose to have the aunt of the property manager come in to cook for our family for the night. The dinner was incredible, with groceries only costing 80E – for 15 people! The labor was also incredibly reasonable, and after consulting us on what we wanted to eat, the team of two ladies did all of the shopping, prep, service (with linens on the back porch), and clean up, for half of what it would have cost us to go to a restaurant. What an experience!
    The two people who helped us the most while on site were the property manager, Tiziana, and the woman who maintained the villa for us while there, Maria. We spoke with Tiziane every day, and she helped to arrange all of the excursions we wanted, getting us reasonable prices for a driver/van to Pompeii, and an all-day boating excursion (including snorkeling!) to Capri. Considering we had 15 people, she had a big job accommodating us day-to-day, and did a beautiful job of it. All experiences she helped us arrange exceeded our expectations as well. Maria, who came daily to clean and help in general, was incredibly warm and gracious. What a lovely couple of ladies.
    The only issue I have now is wishing I could go back and spend a month there. Thank you to Alessandra, Tiziana, Maria, and Tiziana’s family, for your warm and gracious help. I travel for my business, and I can’t imagine every staying at a more beautiful place. It was the trip of a lifetime. We all hope to see you again one day – preferably sooner than later. Be well!”
    Alessandra, we mean every word of this. Thank you, again, for everything.
    Warmest regards,
    Our family’s time in the villa was well spent. We enjoyed the location and proximity to town. The facility was impressively beautiful and functional. Rosa prepared some excellent meals for us. She was so loving to us all. However, it should be made clear that renters are aware of her time and cost for shopping.
    We got to meet the merchants for food and café latte and Mass was available daily in a marvelous church. Everyone was so accepting to our lack of Italian language. The I Due Golfi Train tour was excellent, enjoyed by all…we had 6 grandchildren with us. Local restaurants (especially the one down the road from the church with the pear custard filling) took us on with great hospitality) are very nice. I enjoyed playing “dogball” with the two dogs at the gas station. We have a dog.
    The hiking trails and views were a hit once the weather cleared. The heating units were important. We used the grill for one occasion with some steaks from a great Sorrento butcher. Lots of fresh flavorful vegetables and fruit...and of course the wine. Hot water was OK with the amount of people…some kids didn’t shower, some over washed. Make sure renters know they have to buy toilet paper and dishwasher soap in advance in town.
    The experience in total was more then we could have imagined. Inspiring, welcoming, friendly and open.
    Thanks for your assistance. A lovely experience for us all.
    Our family stayed in the I Due Golfi villa (April 19 – 26, 2014) and we wanted to express our thanks. Key-holder met us and walked us through the property, (which is amazing). She also went above and beyond, taking us to the village, showing us where to shop and waiting while we made small purchases before returning us to the villa.
    I wanted you to know the property far exceeded our expectations. The housekeeper was courteous and helpful! The town of S. Agata is gem!
    We cannot wait to return! I will happily recommend your services for accommodations when traveling to Italy.
    Despite pretty bad weather, we had a fabulous time. The house
    was great. Key-holder and the cleaning lady were fabulous.
    Everybody in our group was very satisfied. We were just a little
    disappointed we couldn't sit out in the garden or go swimming. But we
    made the best of it. We hope to return there someday.
    Greetings, Barbara
    We recently visited one of your villas in Sorrento, I Due Golfi was beautiful.We went on a trip for my in laws 50th wedding anniversary and the whole family was there.17 of us and 3 people from Calabria.Just wanted to let you know that we had a wonderful time,the villa was superb and I would highly recomend your villas to everyone we know.
    Thank you again for memories that will last forever. Andrew and Family
    We all have the most magnificent time in the most beautiful clean villa. The lady who looked after us and the cleaning staff were excellent.

    Our experience with I Due Gofi exceeded our expectations. We were all pleased with the villa and owner too.
    We enjoyed everything and did not want to leave!
    I would recommend Ville en Italia to everyone and we hope to do this again sometime.


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